应用SpecFlow做Acceptance Test的时候经常遇到不同的Step之间传递数据,例子:
Feature: Components
As a logged in user I want to be able to add new components So that I can perform asssessments on them@LogIn
@SetCurrentSection Scenario: Add new component Given I am on the components page When I add a new component Then the component should be added to the overview我们在When中创建了一个component名字(或者Title)TestName,在Then步骤中我需要查找到这个名字TestName。
实例字段:SpecFlow可以创建一个对象实例,该类包括所有的Scenario steps在一个class中,这样我们可以使用私有字段来在不同方法中传递数据。下面例子来自SpecFlow wiki:
[Binding]public class SearchSteps{ private ActionResult actionResult; [When(@"I perform a simple search on '(.*)'")] public void WhenIPerformASimpleSearchOn(string searchTerm) { var controller = new CatalogController(); actionResult = controller.Search(searchTerm); } [Then(@"the book list should exactly contain book '(.*)'")] public void ThenTheBookListShouldExactlyContainBook(string title) { var books = actionResult.Model
>(); CustomAssert.Any(books, b => b.Title == title); }}
上下文连接:SpecFlow提供了2个Context实例, ScenarioContext, FeatureContext.
class ComponentsWhen { [When(@"I add a new component")] public void WhenIAddANewComponent() { var page = WebBrowser.Current.Page<ComponentsPage>(); var driver = new ComponentsDriver(page); string componentName = "Test Component Name" + new Random().Next(100); ScenarioContext.Current.Set<string>(componentName, TestConstants.ContextKeys.ComponentName); driver.AddNewComponent(componentName); } }[Binding]
public class ComponentsThen { [Then(@"the component should be added to the overview")] public void ThenTheComponentShouldBeAddedToTheOverview() { var page = WebBrowser.Current.Page<ComponentsPage>(); var driver = new ComponentsDriver(page); string componentName = ScenarioContext.Current.Get<string>(TestConstants.ContextKeys.ComponentName); page.ComponentsTable.WaitUntil(x => x.Enabled); Assert.That(page.ComponentsTable.ContainsText(componentName), "Expected component name: " + componentName); } } 我们的做法是在When步骤设置ScenarioContext.Current对象,我们可以看出ScenarioContext继承Dictionary<string, object>, 并时间 IDisposable接口。